Emiel Lorist
Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics
Delft University of Technology
P.O. Box 5031
2600 GA Delft
The Netherlands
HB 08.270 at EEMCS
About Me
I am a tenured Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology. Previously I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki and I obtained my PhD degree at Delft University of Technology with Mark Veraar as my advisor. My research interests include harmonic analysis, functional analysis and (stochastic) partial differential equations. My research can be found on:
My CV can be found here
Recorded Talks
During the pandemic, I gave various online presentations, some of which have been recorded. In particular:
A talk on my memoir on "Euclidean structures and operator theory in Banach spaces" in the Analysis Seminar in Delft. The recording can be found here.
My PhD Defense, where I defended my PhD Dissertation titled "Vector-valued harmonic analysis with applications to SPDE. My dissertation can be accessed here, my propositions here and the recording here. Moreover, I prerecorded a layman talk (in Dutch), in which I explain the title of my dissertation to non-mathematicians.
A joint talk with Nick Lindemulder on our recent work on "A discrete framework for the interpolation of Banach spaces" in the Banach spaces webinar. The recording is on Youtube.
A talk on my recent work "Operator-free sparse domination" together with Andrei Lerner and Sheldy Ombrosi in the Corona seminar organized by Alberto Debernardi, Mario Milman and Oscar Dominguez-Bonilla. The recording can be found here.
An interview in the podcast "Literatur-Rundschau" by Jonas Sauer on my recent work "Operator-free sparse domination" together with Andrei Lerner and Sheldy Ombrosi. The audio file can be downloaded here.